Video index
1. Call to Order and Determine a Quorum
4. Consent Agenda
5. Hear from Christoph Trahan and take action to acknowledge a project of the Palestine Economic Development Corporation, to take place in Anderson County.
6. Consider and take action on Resolution Number R-08-2024 authorizing County Grant Program Year 2025 for the Meals on Wheels of Palestine, Inc. Judge McKinney
7. Consider and take action regarding video and security at the Anderson County Courthouse Annex.
8. Consider and take action on a one-time incentive retention pay for current full-time employees in the amount of $1,000.00 from the American Rescue Plan Act Funds, to be issued with the first regular payroll in the month of December 2024. Commissioner Chapin
9. Consider and take action to allow Precinct 2 Road and Bridge Department to purchase a Bomag Reclaimer, up to $140,000.00 at auction. Commissioner Mims
10. Consider and take action to allow the Auditor's Office to go out for bids on a used SN 250 Bomag Reclaimer. Commissioner Mims
11. Consider and take action to allow Precinct 2 Road and Bridge Department to purchase equipment at auction. Commissioner Mims
12. Consider and take action on the Third Amendment Agreement for leasing the Neches Site #98705 Tower with American Towers, Inc. Auditor Megan Lambright
13. Consider and take action to accept the FY25 Victims of Crime Act Grant Award and adopt the VOCA Budget. (Budget Amendment 82) Auditor Megan Lambright
14. Consider and take action on the Liability Insurance renewal Questionnaire for Coverage from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. Auditor Megan Lambright
15. Consider and take action on the 2025 Health Insurance Renewal. Auditor Megan Lambright
16. Consider and take action on a contract between Anderson County and TRIEDATA for certifying and delivering electronic certified official records and court records, CLERK E-CERTIFY, to be paid out of the County Clerk Records Management Budget. County Clerk Mark Staples
17. Consider and take action on approving the annual contract with The Master's Touch to print and mail the 2024 Anderson County Tax Statements. Tax Assessor Collector Margie Grissom
18. Consider and take action on ordering a VHF mobile radio for the Frankston Volunteer Fire Department, in the amount of $3,922.57, to be paid with American Rescue Plan Act Funds.
19. Consider and take action on using existing funds within the Sheriffs Office 2024 Budget to fund the pay adjustments that were approved for licensed Deputies and Jailers in the FY2025 Budget, beginning 9/16/2024. Sheriff Flores
Sep 09, 2024 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order and Determine a Quorum
4. Consent Agenda
5. Hear from Christoph Trahan and take action to acknowledge a project of the Palestine Economic Development Corporation, to take place in Anderson County.
6. Consider and take action on Resolution Number R-08-2024 authorizing County Grant Program Year 2025 for the Meals on Wheels of Palestine, Inc. Judge McKinney
7. Consider and take action regarding video and security at the Anderson County Courthouse Annex.
8. Consider and take action on a one-time incentive retention pay for current full-time employees in the amount of $1,000.00 from the American Rescue Plan Act Funds, to be issued with the first regular payroll in the month of December 2024. Commissioner Chapin
9. Consider and take action to allow Precinct 2 Road and Bridge Department to purchase a Bomag Reclaimer, up to $140,000.00 at auction. Commissioner Mims
10. Consider and take action to allow the Auditor's Office to go out for bids on a used SN 250 Bomag Reclaimer. Commissioner Mims
11. Consider and take action to allow Precinct 2 Road and Bridge Department to purchase equipment at auction. Commissioner Mims
12. Consider and take action on the Third Amendment Agreement for leasing the Neches Site #98705 Tower with American Towers, Inc. Auditor Megan Lambright
13. Consider and take action to accept the FY25 Victims of Crime Act Grant Award and adopt the VOCA Budget. (Budget Amendment 82) Auditor Megan Lambright
14. Consider and take action on the Liability Insurance renewal Questionnaire for Coverage from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. Auditor Megan Lambright
15. Consider and take action on the 2025 Health Insurance Renewal. Auditor Megan Lambright
16. Consider and take action on a contract between Anderson County and TRIEDATA for certifying and delivering electronic certified official records and court records, CLERK E-CERTIFY, to be paid out of the County Clerk Records Management Budget. County Clerk Mark Staples
17. Consider and take action on approving the annual contract with The Master's Touch to print and mail the 2024 Anderson County Tax Statements. Tax Assessor Collector Margie Grissom
18. Consider and take action on ordering a VHF mobile radio for the Frankston Volunteer Fire Department, in the amount of $3,922.57, to be paid with American Rescue Plan Act Funds.
19. Consider and take action on using existing funds within the Sheriffs Office 2024 Budget to fund the pay adjustments that were approved for licensed Deputies and Jailers in the FY2025 Budget, beginning 9/16/2024. Sheriff Flores
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