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1. Call to Order and Determine a Quorum
4. Consent Agenda
5. Consider and take possible action on approval of an Economic Development project previously approved by the City of Palestine, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 381, Texas Local Government Code, with Callizo Aromas LLC, and Perfect Life TX LLC.
6. Consider and take action on approving Resolution Number R-09-2024, in "Consideration of assignment of Private Activity Bond Authority to issue single family bonds to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs".
7. Consider approval of up to two Election Clerks for the November 5,2024, General Election for each polling place.
8. Consider and take action on creating handicap parking spaces at two polling sites: Box 9 Tucker Community Center (Green Bay) and Box 17 DAV Post on Gardner Drive.
9. Consider and take action on awarding a bid for the approved Hazard Mitigation Grant with the City of Elkhart for generators.
10. Consider and take action on using existing unused salary funds within the Sheriffs Office 2024 Budget, along with general fund contingency funds to pay salary increases up to the approved salaries in the FY2025 Budget, using SB 22 funds for licensed Deputies and Jailers, beginning
11. Adjourn into Closed Session pursuant as authorized by Texas Government Code 551.072 to discuss the County's potential to purchase, lease, sale or exchange of real estate and/or the value of the real estate per Texas Local Government Code 551.072. Deliberations regarding Real Property
12. Reconvene into Open Session
13. Consider and take action on contracts to purchase the following real property as negotiated by Judge McKinney with authorization from Commissioners Court on August 26, 2024, (Original Block 12 Lot 8A & 9 - 502 N. Perry Street, /Original Block 12 Lot 8B - 514 N. Perry Street/Original Block 12 Lot 1,4&5 - 520 N. Perry Street).
14. Consider and take action on Priority Purchase Right by a Governmental Entity from Texas Department of Transportation for property located at State Highway 294 and Anderson County Road 1241.
Sep 23, 2024 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order and Determine a Quorum
4. Consent Agenda
5. Consider and take possible action on approval of an Economic Development project previously approved by the City of Palestine, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 381, Texas Local Government Code, with Callizo Aromas LLC, and Perfect Life TX LLC.
6. Consider and take action on approving Resolution Number R-09-2024, in "Consideration of assignment of Private Activity Bond Authority to issue single family bonds to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs".
7. Consider approval of up to two Election Clerks for the November 5,2024, General Election for each polling place.
8. Consider and take action on creating handicap parking spaces at two polling sites: Box 9 Tucker Community Center (Green Bay) and Box 17 DAV Post on Gardner Drive.
9. Consider and take action on awarding a bid for the approved Hazard Mitigation Grant with the City of Elkhart for generators.
10. Consider and take action on using existing unused salary funds within the Sheriffs Office 2024 Budget, along with general fund contingency funds to pay salary increases up to the approved salaries in the FY2025 Budget, using SB 22 funds for licensed Deputies and Jailers, beginning
11. Adjourn into Closed Session pursuant as authorized by Texas Government Code 551.072 to discuss the County's potential to purchase, lease, sale or exchange of real estate and/or the value of the real estate per Texas Local Government Code 551.072. Deliberations regarding Real Property
12. Reconvene into Open Session
13. Consider and take action on contracts to purchase the following real property as negotiated by Judge McKinney with authorization from Commissioners Court on August 26, 2024, (Original Block 12 Lot 8A & 9 - 502 N. Perry Street, /Original Block 12 Lot 8B - 514 N. Perry Street/Original Block 12 Lot 1,4&5 - 520 N. Perry Street).
14. Consider and take action on Priority Purchase Right by a Governmental Entity from Texas Department of Transportation for property located at State Highway 294 and Anderson County Road 1241.
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