Video index
1. Call to Order and Determine a Quorum
4. Consent Agenda
5. Hear a presentation from Elkhart FFA AG Issues Team and Natalie Richmond.
8. Consider and take action on awarding the bid for Anderson County Road and Bridge Department Precinct 2 reclaimer.
6. Hear presentation from Pattillo, Brown & Hill, LLP on the FY 2023 Audit for Anderson County and take action as necessary.
7. Consider and take action on extending the Burn Ban for Anderson County.
9. Consider and take action on Precinct 3 Road and Bridge Department taking their equipment to Career Day at Neches Elementary School on October 10, 2024.
10. Consider and take action on authorizing the purchase of a 2019 Ford F350 Truck for Precinct 4 Road and Bridge Department.
11. Consider and take action on participating in the State Automated Victim Notification Service (SAVNS) Maintenance Grant for FY 2025, with the Office of the Attorney General and adopt the VINE Grant Budget (BA 91).
12. Consider and take action on a Service Agreement with Appriss for the State Automated Victim Notification Service (SAVNS) Grant for FY 2025.
13. Consider and take action to accept the FY 2025 Violence Against Women Act Grant and adopt the VAWA Budget (BA 90).
14. Consider and take action on the 2025 Worker's Compensation Program renewal.
15. Consider and take action on the 2025 County Silver Choice Retiree Medical Program (Post-65 Group Retiree Healthcare Program) Renewal.
16. Authorize the Auditor's Office to request bids for base stone, iron ore gravel, corrugated metal/polypropylene culvert pipe, road oil (refined) cracked fuel oil, asphalt treated road material, bituminous cold patch material, asphaltic concrete hot mix, high performance cold mix asphalt patch material, recycled asphalt product, gasoline and diesel fuel, pug mill mixing, railroad tank car culverts and flatbed cars, new and used steel pipe and hauling materials for the year 2025.
17. Consider and take action if necessary to replace the current aging duty pistols with new Glock weapon systems and accept the quote from GT Distributors state contract pricing, in the amount of $53,004.50.
Oct 07, 2024 Commissioners Court
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order and Determine a Quorum
4. Consent Agenda
5. Hear a presentation from Elkhart FFA AG Issues Team and Natalie Richmond.
8. Consider and take action on awarding the bid for Anderson County Road and Bridge Department Precinct 2 reclaimer.
6. Hear presentation from Pattillo, Brown & Hill, LLP on the FY 2023 Audit for Anderson County and take action as necessary.
7. Consider and take action on extending the Burn Ban for Anderson County.
9. Consider and take action on Precinct 3 Road and Bridge Department taking their equipment to Career Day at Neches Elementary School on October 10, 2024.
10. Consider and take action on authorizing the purchase of a 2019 Ford F350 Truck for Precinct 4 Road and Bridge Department.
11. Consider and take action on participating in the State Automated Victim Notification Service (SAVNS) Maintenance Grant for FY 2025, with the Office of the Attorney General and adopt the VINE Grant Budget (BA 91).
12. Consider and take action on a Service Agreement with Appriss for the State Automated Victim Notification Service (SAVNS) Grant for FY 2025.
13. Consider and take action to accept the FY 2025 Violence Against Women Act Grant and adopt the VAWA Budget (BA 90).
14. Consider and take action on the 2025 Worker's Compensation Program renewal.
15. Consider and take action on the 2025 County Silver Choice Retiree Medical Program (Post-65 Group Retiree Healthcare Program) Renewal.
16. Authorize the Auditor's Office to request bids for base stone, iron ore gravel, corrugated metal/polypropylene culvert pipe, road oil (refined) cracked fuel oil, asphalt treated road material, bituminous cold patch material, asphaltic concrete hot mix, high performance cold mix asphalt patch material, recycled asphalt product, gasoline and diesel fuel, pug mill mixing, railroad tank car culverts and flatbed cars, new and used steel pipe and hauling materials for the year 2025.
17. Consider and take action if necessary to replace the current aging duty pistols with new Glock weapon systems and accept the quote from GT Distributors state contract pricing, in the amount of $53,004.50.
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